Your gateway to a successful career in the UAE! We are committed to providing comprehensive career services and opportunities for our students. Our Career Cell is designed to equip you with the necessary skills, guidance, and industry connections to excel in your professional journey.

Guaranteed Internship and Job Placement Opportunities from the AI Automation course:

100% Internship Opportunity:

Learn from Day One. Experience Real-World Success:
Immediate Internship: Jumpstart your career with an internship from Day one. Work alongside experts in our corporate partner companies while you study.
Seamless Transition to Employment: Complete the course and internship to secure a permanent position in the same company. We bridge the gap between learning and doing!

Guaranteed Placement Model for 50 Students:

Your Career Path, Assured - Innovative Career Launchpad:
Guaranteed Work Placements: Be one of the 50 students to benefit from guaranteed job placements. Our approach blends academic theory with practical experience.
Success-Driven Learning: We ensure your education leads to a rewarding career, setting you on a path of professional triumph from the get-go.

Empowering Your Professional Journey in the UAE

This presentation introduces the Innova Institute Career Cell, which provides comprehensive career services and opportunities for students in the UAE. The Career Cell offers exclusive internship programs, personalized career counseling, industry workshops and guest lectures, networking events, and alumni engagement.

Innova Institute Professional Development

The session helps students gain a better understanding of their future career options and network with professionals in their desired industries.

121, 122 - block 13 - Dubai Knowledge Village

+971 58 566 8801